Thursday 16 January 2014

Its here! The film we have all been waiting for.....

As promised in last week’s blog update the film about our work at Fallin Bing through this All Our Stories project is now complete. The film not only covers the habitat creation work carried out at the site during the project but also has information about the history of coal mining at Fallin and includes parts of an interview with Jock Thompson who has lived in Fallin most of his life and who also worked at the coal mine.
This film is part of the legacy of the project and has been uploaded onto History Pin through YouTube for everyone to view, please take the time to watch the film and let us know your thoughts. You can watch it through History pin (!photos/list/) or directly through YouTube (

The start of the film captures the entrance to Fallin and gives information about the All Our Stories project.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped in the making of the film and also to the editor Paul Gunn (TCV Natural Communities trainee)! He has done a fantastic job going through all the footage we collected throughout the project and piecing it all together to tell the story of Fallin. Without him we wouldn’t have this film!

The film has some excellent footage of pollinating insects, including the beautiful 6-spot burnet moths that were seen foraging at Fallin Bing last year.
As we come to the close of the project we will be having an event to celebrate the project and Fallin’s history towards the end of March. More information about the day will be available nearer the time. We also say a goodbye to Paul who finishes as a TCV Natural Communities trainee next week and a hello to Harry Woolner who will be carrying on the amazing work Paul has been doing over the last year.

Thank you Paul for all your hard work and good luck in the future!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

New year, new beginnings...

Happy New Year! This is our first blog of the year and the last one was over a month ago!

The All Our Stories project at Fallin Bing is due to be completed by the end of March this year. Throughout the project, TCV Natural Communities trainee Paul Gunn has helped to organise the habitat creation days and promote the project to the local community of Fallin and surrounding area. Paul’s one year post finishes on the 21st of January and Harry Woolner will be starting with Buglife on the 22nd of January as a TCV Natural Communities trainee. Harry will be continuing Pauls work on this project and will be organising a final event to celebrate the history of Fallin and the work carried out during this project.

Paul has been a great help throughout this project by helping to organise the habitat creation days and promoting the project to the local community.
A major part of this All Our Stories project involves submitting a digital record that will act as a legacy for everyone to see and use. For our digital record we are submitting 20 photographs showing various activities and people that have helped out during the project and this will link back to this blog. The photographs have now been uploaded onto History Pin and can be viewed at:!photos/list/

Here is one of the images that have been submitted as part of the projects digital record. It was taken during the day of scrub removal back in June last year when we were surrounded by 6-spot burnet moths and several Common blue butterflies. Melissa in the photo is from Stirling University Nature Society (SUNS) and volunteered to help clear scrub.
Paul has been working on a short 13 minute film that we will also submit as part of our digital record. The video will be available shortly and will hopefully be up on this blog by next week.

Thank you Paul for all your hard work over the last year! We definitely couldn't have done this project without you!