Thursday 11 July 2013

Story board of the history of coal mining at Fallin

The coal mining history of Fallin village is really interesting as 110 years ago there were only a few cottages and today there is a thriving community. We want to show the community of Fallin how amazing their village is and how important the Bing is as part of their history and for the wildlife and people that use it today.

Paul Gunn (TCV Natural Communities Trainee) has been out to the library at Fallin designing a new story board on the history of coal mining at Fallin along with the work we have been doing at the site through the All Our Stories project and what management the people of Fallin want to see happening at the Bing. The board will be on view for a few weeks so go along and see it and let us know what you think! The opening times of the library can be found at:

The story board up at Fallin library
With this fantastic weather we have been having Paul also visited the Bing for this amazing shot of several 6-spot burnet moths feeding at Vipers bugloss!
6 spot burnet moths have been seen at Fallin bing in great numbers this year.

1 comment:

  1. The first several months of my site there were no comments; just giv e it time; now they come in like crazy every day! Thanks. mine compliant vehicles
