Tuesday 1 April 2014

The end of a fantastic year and the start of a new one at Fallin Bing!

Welcome to the final blog update for this All Our Stories project at Fallin Bing. I want to thank everyone for reading the blog over the last year and I hope you have enjoyed our regular updates. I also want to thank everyone who has watched the film on YouTube and been on Historypin to look at the digital record which have the photos and video which are our legacy of this project (why not check out the records of other All Our Stories projects: http://www.historypin.com/project/44-all-our-stories/channels/). 

Volunteers helping at our habitat creation days had a great time. If interested in coming along to future events see the details below.
This project has not only been a fantastic success but has also been great fun and we have met some amazing people and wildlife along the way. Although we are sad it has come to an end we are now looking forward to starting work at the site through the Inner Forth Landscape Initiative (IFLI), which was pleased to announce last week there successful bid for funding to Heritage Lottery Fund of £2million! This will help to fund 50 individual projects in the IFLI area over the next four years. These projects will help to protect areas important for wildlife and their historical value and also help to connect habitats and provide education to local communities. IFLI covers an area stretching from Stirling to Rosyth and Blackness and covers the village Fallin.

Who can forget all the amazing 6-spot burnet moths seen at fallin duirng habitat creation work at Fallin in  the summer of 2013. Lets hope we see this many at the site in our future work through IFLI.
Through this, Buglife will continue habitat creation and management work at Fallin this year. We will be organising volunteer days where everyone can come along and help out at for as little or as long as they want. For more information about these future events this year please contact Suzanne Bairner at 01786 447504 and suzanne.bairner@buglife.org.uk and for more information about IFLI and to keep up to date with events at Fallin: http://www.innerforthlandscape.co.uk/

Thanks again and please be in touch if you require any more information about this All Our Stories project, Fallin Bing: from Coalfield to Brownfield.

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